⁽yesmovies⁾ Movie Bad Boys for Life
Genres - Crime Rating - 7,9 of 10 director - Adil El Arbi country - USA Brief - The Bad Boys Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett are back together for one last ride in the highly anticipated Bad Boys for Life.
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Bad boys for life age rating. TV Program Aktuálny TV program na dnes a na celý týdeň. Televízny program na poskytuje prehľad programu slovenských a zahraničných TV staníc s monosťou vlastného nastavenia vašich obľúbených televíznych staníc. Kým Marcus (Martin Lawrence) sa pomaly chystá do policajného dôchodku, Mike (Will Smith) je presvedčený, e bude loviť zločincov do konca ivota. A to môe byť čo nevidieť – niekto sa ho toti pokúša zabiť. Svojskí miamskí detektívi si tak naposledy musia zmerať sily s nepriateľmi v očakávanom pokračovaní populárnej akčnej komédie. Pôvodný názov: Bad Boys for Life Hrajú: Sidnei Barboza, Bianca Bethune, Anthony Molinari, Massi Furlan, Melissa Kennemore, Athena Akers, Sharon Pfeiffer, Ivo Nandi, Happy Anderson, Jennifer Badger, Paola Nuñez, Martin Lawrence, Joe Pantoliano, Will Smith, Réia: Bilall Fallah, Adil El Arbi, Scenár: Peter Craig, Chris Bremner, Joe Carnahan, Krajina pôvodu: USA Rok výroby: 2020 Slovenská kino premiéra: 23. 01. 2020 Neprístupné od: Nevhodné pre maloletých do 15 rokov Zdroj (foto, video): Najblišie vysielanie filmu Bad Boys navdy sa v najbliších dňoch nevysiela. Markíza 7. 2/Pi/ o 22:45 Drakula: Zrod legendy Nebál sa postaviť obrovskej presile. Obetoval sa, aby zachránil svoju rodinu a svoj ľud. Stal sa... JOJ Cinema 9. 2/Ne/ o 21:50 Hellboy Obľúbený temný hrdina Hellboy sa vracia na plátna kín s plnou parádou. Pod hlavičkou ÚPVO (Úradu... Plus 10. 2/Po/ o 20:25 Honba na čarodejnice Behmen a Felson sa po desaťročiach boja vracajú do vlasti, ktorú nachádzajú zdevastovanú morom... > Bad Boys navdy.
When everyone thinks there 1st😂. Bad boys for life ost. Bad boys for life: the imax 2d experience. Will smith my favourite. My Childhood Brought Me Here. 18:15 Star Wars. Bad boys for life songs. Bad boys for life ending. Will smith. Just as I thought I'd be able to save money this January since no good movies ever come out this month. Oh well, another 12 bucks won't kill me! Looking forward to this.
I should be rehearsing for a play but instead im watching this. What have i done with my life (i dont regret it. Bad boys for life poster. I've watched this since January 2019. Video © Columbia Pictures Nastala chyba při přehrávání videa. Will Smith je pořád bůh a Martin Lawrence pořád ví, e bůh není, ale dokáe si z toho udělat srandu. Trojka Mizerů kupodivu není dalším „značkovým zklamáním“, nýbr ohromně vydařeným comebackem, který baví od začátku do konce. Bayova absence bohuel způsobila, e toho bouchá daleko míň a samotná akce není tak ikonická jako kdysi. Pořád se ale jedná o vysoký nadprůměr, za který si belgičtí náhradníci zaslouí poplácat po zádech. Snad jim to pořádně nakopne kariéru! (16. 1. 2020) Rocky88 Bez Míši Zaliva to sice není ono (akce je docela málo a kulervoucí taky rozhodně není), navíc zamrzí násilné naroubování mladých zobáků (penízky musí cinkat i za 10 let, e), ale tak nějak mě bavila spousta nekorektních vtipů a situací a dva slušný páry koz. Smith a Lawrence navíc i po letech představují výrazné duo, za tu návštěvu kina to stojí. Za další zkouknutí u ne, to si radši pustím dvojku. (20. 2020) Korbitch Věřte, nevěřlké překvapení. Samozřejmě jde o to, jaký máte mínění o celé této sérii. Jednička pro mě osobně kultovní záleitost. Dvojka mě léta dost srala. Zmatená, blbě sestříhaná, s infantilním konec jsem ji víceméně vzal na milost a beru ji. Přiznám se, na tohle jsem šel, e nic nečekám. A co jsem dostal? Vynikající akční film, ucházející příběh, dobrý humor, skvěle sestříhanou akci, ucelený děj. Bad boys for Life! (19. 2020) castor Léta páně 1995 tenhle tandem černých policajtů dokonale komerčně zabodoval. Za zády měli tehdy dravé ucho Michaela Baye. Dvojka byla u dost destruktivní, dost přepálenou a dost nákladnou. Po ní se Bay utrhl ze řetězu, take po půl hodině trojky jsem si říkal, jak moc jsem vlastně rád za duo mladých neznámých Evropanů s marockými kořeny. Jene půl hodiny před koncem jsem si naopak zase přál, aby se ďábel Bay vrátil. Výsledek je slušný, ale co bych dal třeba za honičku s padajícími auty nebo jakoukoliv zapamatovatelnou scénu? Bohuel nepřišla. Bouchá toho prostě méně. Ale postupně. Od dvojky uběhlo neuvěřitelných 17 let. Smith během nich měnil ve zlato (skoro) vše, na co sáhl, Lawrence pokračoval v laciných černošských komediích. Nevadí, pánům to spolu šlape dokonale. Starší z nich se právě stal (ubuleným) dědou a pomýšlí na penzi, mladší je součástí velkého plánu pomsty za roky starou smrt mexického drogového krále. Začne to solidně, ovšem brzy ubereme plyn a zpomalíme. A zásadní momenty prostě nepřicházejí. Vedlejší linie specializovaného oddělení nic moc nového nenabízí, přitom týmu šéfuje Smithova ex, stále to mezi nimi jiskří, ale bojíme se do toho šlápnout, prvky dramatu (napětí mezi ústřední dvojicí) moc nefungují a docela dost se kecá. A i u akce cítím vyměknutí. Akční scény bohuel postrádají originalitu, regulérní eRko si zaslouilo mnohem víc ostřejších momentů. NAŠTĚSTÍ je tady ústřední duo, oba jsou při chuti a jejich slovní výměny baví. Jen bych k těm dunivým songům, efektní kameře a oranovým západům slunce přidal jednu řádně hravou akci. Fakt by tomu dost pomohla!! (19. 2020) Enšpígl Je to naprosto nečekané, ale o to příjemnější překvapení. Takhle má z mého pohledu vypadat nenáročný akční blockbuster tohoto století. Výborně udělaný akční scény, pokud jde o honičky tak si dokonce troufnu říci, e jedny z nejlepších, co jsem v poslední dekádě viděl. Hrozně jsem se bál, jak film dopadne kdy ho nedělá "boský Míša", ale po jeho posledním úletu na Netflixu jsem byl ve finále docela rád i kdy za "Bay cameo" díky. e dostanu poctivou akčňárničku, ve který nebudou tvůrci sekat akční scény bez většího smyslu jak baťa cvičky, ve který se docela nekompromisně zabijí a celý film bude rozhodně vycházet civilněji a víc temněji ne jeho starší bráškové to jsem nečekal. Jasně máme tam Lawrence take o vtípky taky není nouze i kdy právě kdy film neakční, nepatrá nebo není team work a snaí se humorovat vychází nejslaběji. Oceňuji soudnost tvůrců při pohledu na postavu Martina Lawrence, e z něj udělali spíše důchodce ne akčního poldu a za drsňáčka je tady především Will, ke kterýmu to v pohodě jde i kdy za barvení bradky rovně dík, výborná bavička. Vůbec tyhlety minivtípky ve filmu bavily víc ne dialogy ala vtip. Svůj prostor má i nový tým, samozřejmě nechybí ani drsný holky, ale celý tým jsem bral jako příjemné akční oivení. Finálová zápletka na podobný typ film dobrá. Mizerové navdy suveréně rozkopli kliše, e v dnešní době pokračování stojí za hovno, protoe stojej za silné 4*. (15. 2020) Photo © Sony Pictures Releasing France Kate del Castillo - Kdy Mike ( Will Smith) ádá kapitána ( Joe Pantoliano) v jeho kanceláři o nasazení na případ, kapitán si otevře malou lahvičku se sirupem/šťávou, napije se a začne se nahýbat nad stůl. V následujícím střihu je u opřený o stůl a lahvičku má zavřenou. ( pemap) Třetí díl Mizerů ponesete název Bad Boys for Life, co lze volně přeloit jako „Mizerové na věky" nebo „Mizerové na ivot a na smrt". Název vychází z motta, ve kterém dvojka proklamuje: „We ride together, we die together, bad boys for life”. V českém překladu: „Dopředu spolu jdem i spolu umřem, jsme ostrý hoši, tak i ijem". ( Geralt z Rivie) Na svatbě má cameo osobně reisér prvních dvou dílů, Michael Bay. ( CinemaRanger).
Really looking forward to seeing this movie😎
Bad boys for life metacritic. The Ben Stiller cameo still cracks me up. Poppa Diddy pop. I'll watch it. i remember the first film from way back. Here's my question: How in the hell has Will Smith only aged like 5 years in the past 24-ish? I'll have what he's having... Bad boys for life imdb. Bad boys for life trailer reaction. Bad boys for life release date. Bad boys for life p diddy.
Bad boys for life movie times
Bad boys for life watch online. Bad boys for life behind the scenes. Bad boys for life full movie. David dhawan will make bade Miya chote Miya 2 again 😂😂😂. Bad Boys for Life Theatrical release poster Directed by Adil & Bilall Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer Will Smith Doug Belgrad Screenplay by Chris Bremner Peter Craig Joe Carnahan Story by Based on Characters by George Gallo Starring Martin Lawrence Vanessa Hudgens Alexander Ludwig Charles Melton Paola Núñez Kate del Castillo Nicky Jam Joe Pantoliano Music by Lorne Balfe [1] Cinematography Robrecht Heyvaert Edited by Dan Lebental Peter McNulty Production companies Columbia Pictures [2] 2. 0 Entertainment [2] Don Simpson / Jerry Bruckheimer Films [2] Overbrook Entertainment [2] [3] Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing Release date January 17, 2020 (United States) Running time 124 minutes [4] Country United States [5] [6] Language English Budget $90 million [7] Box office $290. 8 million [7] [6] Bad Boys for Life is a 2020 American action comedy film starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, and is the sequel to Bad Boys II (2003) in the Bad Boys franchise. The film was directed by Adil & Bilall, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Smith, and Doug Belgrad. The film follows detectives Mike Lowrey (Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Lawrence) reuniting once again when someone starts murdering people involved in an old case. The film co-stars Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, Charles Melton, Paola Núñez, Kate del Castillo, Nicky Jam, and Joe Pantoliano. A third Bad Boys film was discussed after the success of the second, with Michael Bay stating he would be interested in returning to direct but budget constraints would make it difficult. The film went through several attempts at development over the next decade, with various writers and directors attached. The project was announced in October 2018, and filming took place from January through June 2019 in Atlanta, Miami and Mexico City. Bad Boys for Life was theatrically released in the United States on January 17, 2020, by Sony Pictures Releasing through Columbia Pictures. The film received mostly positive reviews from critics, [8] and has grossed $290 million worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing installment of the series. Plot [ edit] Set 17 years after the last film in 2020, Miami detective Marcus Burnett, who just witnessed the birth of his grandson, tells his partner Mike Lowrey his intentions to retire, much to Mike's chagrin. After a celebration party, Mike is shot by an assassin named Armando. Armando had recently helped stage the prison escape of his mother Isabel Aretas. Armando was sent by Isabel to assassinate all of those responsible, including Mike, for the demise of the Aretas cartel run by her and her husband Benito, who was sent to prison and subsequently died. Despite being told to kill Mike last, Armando targeted him first as he deemed him the biggest threat to their plans. Armando proceeds over the next six months to assassinate everyone else responsible while Mike makes a near-full recovery. Mike demands Marcus's help to catch the assassin, but Marcus decides to go into retirement, as after Mike's near death experience Marcus prayed to God that if Mike survives he will never turn to violence again. This causes a fall out between the two friends. Despite orders from Captain Howard, Mike learns the identity of the arms dealer who sold the ammunition used in his assassination attempt, Booker Grassie. Howard reluctantly brings Mike as a consultant into the tech-driven Advanced Miami Metro Operations (AMMO), led by Mike's ex-girlfriend Rita. The team goes to a business deal Grassie is holding to obtain evidence to bring him in, but when Mike sees that the buyers are attempting to kill Grassie, Mike attempts but fails to save him. Soon after, Marcus receives a call from an old informant, Carver Remy, warning him that everyone who had protected him had been assassinated and asks for help. Marcus picks up Mike to go to Carver’s home only to see him thrown out and killed. Mike fights Armando and seems to recognize his eyes before Armando escapes. Sometime later, Captain Howard tells Mike it may be time for him to retire as well before he gets himself killed. Howard is subsequently killed by Armando with a sniper rifle. After the captain’s funeral, Marcus decides to help Mike out one last time. Marcus enlists the help of AMMO to track down Grassie's accountant to find who was sold the ammunition. Marcus identifies the key suspect as Lorenzo “Zway-Lo” Rodriguez, someone Marcus used to coach basketball. They crash a birthday party for Zway-Lo, but Zway-Lo flees. Mike, Marcus, and AMMO give chase but are halted by Armando on a helicopter over the bridge. Armando kills Zway-Lo to get to Mike. Before trying to kill him, Armando says "Hasta el fuego. " Marcus, however, stops Armando with gunfire and Mike jumps into the river to escape. As AMMO is about to be shut down due to their recent failure, Mike explains to Marcus in private that Armando may be his biological son: Before he and Marcus were partners, he was recruited by Captain Howard out of the academy to infiltrate the Aretas cartel. Being deep undercover, he had an affair with Isabel, which led to the birth of Armando as Benito was sterile, and they used to say "Hasta el fuego" to each other. Despite promising to flee with her, Mike ultimately had her arrested as well as Benito knowing how dangerous she was. All of the previous victims killed by Armando were working on the same case. Mike decides to go to Mexico City to confront her alone, but Marcus and AMMO accompany him despite his protests. At the Hidalgo Palace, Mike scolds Isabel for not telling Armando the truth about his father and for raising him to be an assassin. A shootout occurs between AMMO and Isabel's henchmen which ends when Marcus shoots the pilot of Isabel's getaway helicopter, causing it to crash into the building setting it ablaze. While Marcus briefly incapacitates Isabel, Mike confronts Armando to try and convince him he is his father. Armando refuses to believe him until Mike insists that Isabel confirm it. Isabel shoots at Mike but strikes Armando instead, after which Rita shoots and kills Isabel. They all escape the burning building, where Mike tells Armando he will have to pay for his crimes, but Mike will be there for him. Sometime later, Rita is named the new police captain while Mike and Marcus, having decided to come out of retirement, are placed in charge of AMMO. Mike later visits a remorseful Armando in prison requesting his help on a new case in exchange for reducing his prison sentence. Cast [ edit] Will Smith as Detective Michael Eugene "Mike" Lowrey Martin Lawrence as Detective Marcus Miles Burnett Vanessa Hudgens as Kelly [9] Alexander Ludwig as Dorn Charles Melton as Rafe Paola Núñez as Rita, head of AMMO, Mike's ex-girlfriend Kate del Castillo as Isabel Aretas, orders son to kill Mike to avenge husband's death, Nicky Jam as Zway-Lo [10] Joe Pantoliano as Captain Conrad Howard Jacob Scipio as Armando Aretas Theresa Randle as Theresa Burnett, Marcus' wife [11] Jamie Neumann Massi Furlan as Lee Taglin Dennis Greene as Reggie, Marcus’ son-in-law whom he first met in the previous film Bianca Bethune as Megan Burnett, Marcus' daughter Michael Bay as Wedding MC DJ Khaled [12] as Manny the Butcher [13] Production [ edit] Development [ edit] In June 2008, Michael Bay (director of the first two Bad Boys films) stated that he might direct Bad Boys III, but that the greatest obstacle to the potential sequel would be the cost, as he and Will Smith demand some of the highest salaries in the film industry. [14] By August 2009, Columbia Pictures had hired Peter Craig to write the script for Bad Boys III. [15] In February 2011, Martin Lawrence reiterated that the film was in development. [16] In June 2014, Bruckheimer announced that screenwriter David Guggenheim was working on the storyline for the sequel. [17] Two months later, Lawrence said a script had been written and parts had been cast. [18] By June 2015, director Joe Carnahan was in early talks to write and possibly direct the film. [19] In August 2015, Sony Pictures Entertainment announced that Bad Boys III would be released on February 17, 2017, and that additional sequel, Bad Boys IV, was scheduled for release on July 3, 2019. [20] On March 5, 2016, the film was pushed to June 2, 2017. [21] Producers planned to begin production in early 2017. [22] On August 11, 2016, the film was pushed back once again to January 12, 2018, to avoid box office competition with the upcoming DC Comics film Wonder Woman, and retitled Bad Boys for Life. [23] Another title, Bad Boys 3 Life, was also penned during development. [24] Lawrence revealed on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that filming might start in March 2017. [25] On February 6, 2017, it was announced that the film's release date had been delayed for the third time, to November 9, 2018. [26] On March 7, 2017, Carnahan left the movie due to scheduling conflicts. [27] In August 2017, Sony removed the third film from their release schedule and later in the month Lawrence said the film would not be happening. [28] In February 2018, it was reported that a sequel film was again being planned and would be directed by Belgian directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence reprising their roles. [29] According to Geek Worldwide, the third installment in the Bad Boys franchise would film from November 2018 to March 2019 in Miami and Atlanta with the release date scheduled for January 17, 2020. [30] [31] Casting [ edit] In October 2018, Variety revealed that Sony was close to green-lighting the film's production. [32] In December 2018, it was reported that Joe Pantoliano, who played Captain Howard in the previous films would return to play the character. [33] In February 2019, Kate del Castillo joined the cast of the film. [34] In March 2019, it was reported that Theresa Randle, who played Marcus's wife, Theresa, in the previous films would also return to play the character. [35] Filming [ edit] Principal photography began on January 14, 2019 in downtown Atlanta, Georgia [36] [37] [38] and wrapped on June 7, 2019 in Miami Beach, Florida. [39] Music [ edit] The film was composed by Lorne Balfe, who's new music was integrated with Mark Mancina 's themes from the first film. Both trailers for the film included an remix/mashup of " Bad Boys " by Inner Circle (the franchise's theme) and " Bad Boy for Life " by P. Diddy, Black Rob and Mark Curry. An official soundtrack album to the film, entitled Bad Boys for Life: The Soundtrack was announced by its executive producer, DJ Khaled and scheduled for release on the same day as the film. Artists The Black Eyed Peas and J Balvin released a song titled " Ritmo ", which served as a lead single on October 11, 2019 for the film's soundtrack. [40] The soundtrack also features tracks by Meek Mill, City Girls, Quavo, Rick Ross, Rich the Kid, Bryson Tiller, Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, Jaden Smith, Farruko, Pitbull, Lil Jon, Buju Banton, [41] and DJ Durel. [42] Release [ edit] Bad Boys for Life had its world premiere at the TCL Chinese Theatre on January 14, 2020. It was released in the United States on January 17, 2020, by Sony Pictures Releasing. [43] Marketing [ edit] The first official trailer for the film was released on September 4, 2019. [44] The film's second trailer was released on November 5. [45] Reception [ edit] Box office [ edit] As of February 2, 2020, Bad Boys for Life has grossed $148. 1 million in the United States and Canada, and $96. 7 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $244. 7 million, against a production budget of $90 million. [7] [6] In the United States and Canada, the film was released alongside Dolittle, and was initially projected to gross $35–45 million from 3, 740 theaters in its opening weekend, and a total of around $48 million over the four-day MLK weekend. [46] [47] After making $23. 5 million on its first day (including $6. 36 million from Thursday night previews), estimates were raised to $68 million. It went on to debut to $62. 2 million, and $73. 4 million over the four days, the second-best opening for the holiday. [48] The film made $31 million in its second weekend, remaining in first. [49] Critical response [ edit] IndieWire said reviews for Bad Boys for Life were "mostly positive". [8] The review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 77% based on 220 reviews, and an average rating of 6. 17/10. The website's critics consensus reads: "Loaded up with action and a double helping of leading-man charisma, Bad Boys for Life reinvigorates this long-dormant franchise by playing squarely to its strengths. " [50] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 59 out of 100, based on 45 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". [51] Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter wrote that "the third time really is the charm" and said: "The two directors roll with ease between raucous comedy and raw drama, to considerable effect, just as they crank up the tension on any number of occasions, occasionally with palpably visceral impact. " [2] David Ehrlich of IndieWire gave the film a "B" grade, calling it a "fun, explosive, and even thoughtful action movie" and wrote: " Bad Boys for Life doesn't aim to raise the bar on its genre or rewrite the blockbuster rulebook, but it's a blast watching Lawrence and Smith revisit these characters and find a sensible place for them in the current Hollywood landscape. " [52] Audience response [ edit] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A" on an A+ to F scale, the same as the first two films, and PostTrak reported it received an average 4. 5 out of 5 stars, with 73% of people saying they would definitely recommend it. [48] Sequel [ edit] Following the opening weekend box office success of the film, Sony announced plans for a fourth installment, with Chris Bremner returning to write the script. [53] [8] References [ edit] ^ "Lorne Balfe to Score 'Bad Boys for Life ' ". Film Music Reporter. Archived from the original on July 23, 2019. Retrieved July 23, 2019. ^ a b c d e Tom McCarthy (January 15, 2020). " ' Bad Boys for Life' Film Review". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved January 18, 2020. ^ "Sony & Overbrook Entertainment Team On Film About Dirt-Bike Riders".. Archived from the original on May 9, 2019. Retrieved May 22, 2019. ^ "Bad Boys for Life (15)". British Board of Film Classification. January 14, 2020. Archived from the original on January 15, 2020. Retrieved January 15, 2020. ^ "Bad Boys for Life (2020)". British Film Institute. Retrieved January 18, 2020. ^ a b c "Bad Boys for Life (2020)". The Numbers. Archived from the original on December 30, 2019. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ a b c "Bad Boys for Life (2020)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ a b c Obenson, Tambay (January 18, 2020). " ' Bad Boys': Fourth Movie Starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence Is Already Being Planned". IndieWire. Retrieved January 19, 2020. ^ Knight, Lewis (November 5, 2019). "Bad Boys for Life trailer reveals action-packed scenes for Will Smith sequel". mirror. Archived from the original on November 13, 2019. Retrieved November 13, 2019. ^ Kroll, Justin; Kroll, Justin (January 18, 2019). "Reggaeton Star Nicky Jam Joins 'Bad Boys' Sequel (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety. Archived from the original on January 19, 2019. Retrieved March 23, 2019. ^ Evry, Max (March 30, 2019). "Theresa Randle Will Return as Marcus' Wife in Bad Boys for Life".. Archived from the original on April 5, 2019. Retrieved April 26, 2019. ^ Kroll, Justin; Kroll, Justin (January 15, 2019). "DJ Khaled Joins 'Bad Boys' Sequel (EXCLUSIVE)". Archived from the original on January 16, 2019. Retrieved March 23, 2019. ^ "BAD BOYS HAS BEGUN". YouTube. March 21, 2019. Archived from the original on March 25, 2019. Retrieved March 25, 2019. ^ Hilton, Beth (June 3, 2008). "Smith wants to make 'Bad Boys 3 ' ". Digital Spy. Archived from the original on March 23, 2019. 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Sony Pictures Film Ratings MPAA Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Terms of Use Ad Choices Georgia Film Works Georgia Tourism DO NOT SELL MY PERSONAL INFORMATION Credits. Bad boys for life 2020 cast. They are back to entertain us 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Boys we did it now all we need is Rush Hour 4 and Last Friday. Welcome back matin ahh these two were the best i love them man two legends togather again god bless them. Bad boys for life budget. Bad boys for life full cast. When John Hamm was killed I kinda lost interest then there were some weird hippies I was confused and turned it off. 11:15 I thought that was Bill Burr for a second. Thats my wife cars 😂 she always know 😂. This movie was so good people where saying it was just like X-men last stand but it isnt at all it is a good movie but the special effects on storms lightning werent all that well.
Bad Boys for life. It's like watching Mable and Dipper going on an adventure in the city. This why Kawhi don't show much emotion. He been traumatised by these two.
- Reporter - Tony Werner
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